Thursday, May 15, 2014

It all Began With a Love Bite - Short story

Hope you enjoy the read, and sorry if the harsh language shocks anyone, but I felt it truly necessary for the character's existence. I also wrote it for fun alone, so what the hell ;p

I know it's 17 pages long, but I hope it's fun enough to keep you going!

Pages 1-2
Pages 3-4
Pages 5-6
Pages 7-8
Pages 9-10
Pages 11-12
Pages 13-14
Pages 15-16
Page 17

Written in December 2012.

Emanuel Silva

Welcome, readers, writers and fans alike

Just finished creating this blog to more easily share, with any interested readers, news regarding my novels and short stories

My first novel, Demon's Blood - Book I: Spiral of Deception, has had a 1st edition published since 2012, courtesy of self-publishing agency Xlibris. Thanks to all my readers and reviewers, and also partly to my own evolution as an aspiring writer, I am currently working on a revised edition, that will hopefully see the light of day soon. More news to come.

I am also actively working on Book II, and I should say that all the patience displayed by my readers will be rewarded with a sequel that grows upon its predecessor in every way. It is moving along slowly, but steadily, and it will not disappoint. Any updates to the writing and creation process will be posted in this blog.

I will also be updating the blog with any short stories I happen to write when I get a bit of free time to do so. To begin, I will be creating a second post with one I wrote quite some time ago, entitled "It all Began With a Love Bite". Hope you enjoy, and read me again soon ;)

Emanuel Silva