Monday, August 25, 2014

Author site online!

My author site is now online!

Please feel free to visit and explore for some previously unreleased information on Demon's Blood, as well as an exclusive first look at the 2nd half of my novel, now entitled Demon's Blood: Book II - Penance by Fate.

You can read the prologue and the first three chapters of Book II, as well as enjoy a gallery of artwork for Book I, and brief summary of how the writing process of Demon's Blood brought it from it's beginning as a stand alone story to a two part novel.

Do not forget to visit 

Thank you for your support.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Revision of Demon's Blood Book I finished!

Just finished reediting and revising Spiral of Deception. Lots and lots of hours later, and I'm finally ready to pitch this baby into the publishing market, in the hopes to find a home with a full-fledged publishing house.

Wish me luck!

On other news, I will finally resume my work on Book II as well :)